Cash Hodges is a senior at Anna-Jonesboro Community High School. He is an active member and ... Learn More

Cash Hodges
About Me
Cash Hodges is a senior at Anna-Jonesboro Community High School. He is an active member and president of the FFA, member of the Beta Club, Chess Club, ACES, and Math Team. He hopes to get as much as possible from the Union Country C.E.O. Program and hopes to take his skills and apply them as much as possible in the future. After high school, he hopes to go to college and receive a degree in mechanical engineering.

Cash Hodges's DISC Profile
Conservative, Mild, Agreeable, Deliberate
Convincing, Reflective, Matter-of-Fact, Reserved
Patient, Predictable, Passive, Complacent
Systematic, Careful, Analytical, Orderly